
Begonnen von VerbOrg, 2005-04-30, 20:39:09

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Besagener wikipädischer Artikel sagt:

Features of the velar nasal:

    * Its manner of articulation is stop, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract.
    * Its place of articulation is velar which means it is articulated with the back part of the tongue (the dorsum) against the soft palate (the velum).
    * Its phonation type is voiced, which means the vocal cords are vibrating during the articulation.
    * It is a nasal consonant, which means air is allowed to escape through the nose.
    * It is a central consonant, which means it is produced by allowing the airstream to flow over the middle of the tongue, rather than the sides.
    * The airstream mechanism is pulmonic egressive, which means it is articulated by pushing air out of the lungs and through the vocal tract, rather than from the glottis or the mouth.

Es ist sehr interessant, dass man offensichtlich dabei dem Luftstom gleichzeitig erlaubt, über die Mitte der Zunge zu gehen, und gänzlich verbietet, überhaupt da durch zu gehen.
The future lies in front of me,
but "lies" is all that I can see.


im filipino gibts immerhin eine partikel ng. heißt ungefähr "von", kann man aber auch komplizierter erklären.

pinatay ng pusa ang daga. "die maus wurde von der katze getötet."

sa ngalan ng ama at ng anak "im namen des vaters und des sohnes..."

Nijntje - de echte nederlandse konijn